Does Your Child Need an “Electronics Fast”?


An interesting article in Psychology Today reports that kids who seem “wired and tired” and thus agitated and exhausted often times are given a mental-health diagnosis and offered corresponding treatments.  However, the article suggests that parents should first attempt to “address the most common environmental cause of such symptoms – everyday use of electronics.”  In fact, according to the article, an “electronics fast” may be in order allowing the nervous system to “reset.”  As stated in the article:

If done correctly, this intervention can produce deeper sleep, a brighter and more even mood, better focus and organization, and an increase in physical activity. The ability to tolerate stress improves, so meltdowns diminish in both frequency and severity. The child begins to enjoy the things they used to, is more drawn to nature, and imaginary or creative play returns.

Bethel Early Learning Center encourages its students to learn through play, without the need for electronics and screens.  To read the entire article, click here.

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